About GeoTrophy
GeoTrophy is an young project inspired by Badges. You can be awarded by hunting caches from GeoTrophy list. There are seven (geo)catagories for each countries (31 European countries at this time) with one cache. Each cache has an own badge to yous hunting statistic.
There is a testing version now. Some caches can be wrong awarded for the catagory. Especially for multicaches and unknown caches becouse is important wehere is the final cache box. It need be checked by home hunters :)
There is a bookmark list on gc.com
Now is a poor support in statistic applications. If you want GeoTropy to your application which use, try contact author. There is a XML file for include GeoTrophy to each application.
GeoTrophy is included in
You can debate in this forum http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=19757 All opinions and corrections are wellcome.
Forum for Czech users http://www.geocaching.cz/